2 Adjabeng Court Registrars Interdicted Over Embezzlement of Fines

Mrs Patience Nai (left) and Mr David Laryea 

The Chief Justice, Ms Justice Sophia Akuffo, has interdicted two registrars of the Adjabeng Magistrate Court in Accra who are being probed for embezzling court fines and fees.

They are Mrs Patience Nai, a High Court registrar, and Mr David Laryea, a Circuit Court registrar, who is also an assistant referee.
Their interdiction has become necessary so they do not interfere with an ongoing probe as auditors work to recover some missing case dockets and receipt books that are crucial to the investigations.
But the audit team dispatched by the Chief Justice to investigate acts of embezzlement at the court faces a daunting task after discovering that several case dockets and receipt books that are relevant to the investigations have gone missing.
The establishment of the probe and the subsequent interdiction follow three months of investigations and expose by the Daily Graphic on many court fines and fees embezzled by court registrars at the Adjabeng court.
Age-old practice
The source said the diversion of court fees and fines was an age-old practice at the Adjabeng Registry, spanning several years.
A three-month investigation by the Daily Graphic has established that a fine of GH¢2,400 in the case of the Republic v. Eric Duah, paid by the convict on May 17, 2017, was diverted and embezzled by the two registrars.
Again, in the case of the Republic v. Peter Mahamadu Seidu, the defendant was convicted to a fine of GH¢3,000, which was also not paid into the Consolidated Account but into private pockets, as usual.
Though the two registrars who initially denied any involvement in the series of the embezzlement at the courts were later made to refund the money, it is unclear how much money has been embezzled by the two since the trade is said to have begun some years back.
Stealing and embezzlement of court fines and fees had become rampant and widespread across the country, according to a member of staff of the Judicial Service who pleaded anonymity.
He said the acts of the two registrars at the Adjabeng court were just a microcosm of the widespread stealing of fines and fees across the country’s courts.

CJ probes 2 court registrars - Over embezzlement of fines

The Chief Justice, Ms. Justice Sophia Akuffo

The Chief Justice, Ms Justice Sophia Akuffo, has dispatched three top auditors from the Judicial Service to probe embezzlement at the Adjabeng District Magistrate Court in Accra, while calls for the interdiction of the two accused registrars intensify.

The team, led by the Head of the Non-Tax Revenue Unit of the Judicial Service, Mr Eric Boamah, stormed the Adjabeng Court last week to collect receipt books covering fees and fines for verification.

Mrs Patience Nai, a High Court Registrar, and Mr David Laryea, a Circuit Court Registrar, who is also an assistant referee, have, for many months, allegedly diverted and pocketed unspecified sums of money in court fines and fees.

A source close to the registrar’s office hinted the Daily Graphic that the diversion of court fees and fines was a practice at the Adjabeng Court Registry spanning many years.

A three-month investigation undertaken by the Daily Graphic established that conviction to a fine of GH¢2,400 in the case of the Republic v. Eric Duah, paid by the convict on May 17, 2017, was diverted and embezzled by the two cashiers.

Mrs Patience Nai and Mr. David Laryea
 The Daily Graphic has gathered that the investigations instituted by the audit team established by the Chief Justice would take a month to complete.

Already, the team has spent more than five days at the court verifying court receipts against amounts deposited into the Consolidated Fund.

A source at the Judicial Service who pleaded anonymity told the Daily Graphic that “all the case dockets and receipt books for the last two years have been collected by the auditors”.

Group demands interdiction

Ahead of the probe, Imani Ghana and the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), in separate interviews, called for the interdiction of those alleged to have pocketed court fines and fees.

The Executive Director of the GII, Mrs Linda Ofori-Kwafo, called for the interdiction of the parties involved in the corrupt act at the court, so that they did not interfere with investigations.

She said if the positions of those being investigated could influence the process, then they must be required to step aside.

“Asking them to step aside is to ensure that those accused of embezzlement do not interfere with the investigations,” she said.
Mrs Ofori-Kwafo called for the automation of the payment process to minimise corruption at the courts, which was becoming widespread.

She said several studies by anti-corruption institutions in the past had pointed to widespread corruption within the Judiciary, which had not been adequately resolved.

The President of Imani Ghana, Mr Franklin Cudjoe, also added his voice to calls for the interdiction of the two implicated in the embezzlement scandal.
That, he said, would pave the way for unimpeded investigations to unravel the level of embezzlement at the court.

“People who have been implicated in the investigations must be told to step aside, paving way for full auditing to be done. This will lead to a perfect conclusion to be arrived at,” he said.

Missing court cash

According to the 2015 Auditor-General’s report, the Judicial Service consistently failed to reconcile revenue totalling GH¢5,815,845 million and £75,000.

The report stated that the Auditor-General could, therefore, not confirm whether the revenue and deposits had been credited to the accounts of the courts.

Again, in 2016, the commercial courts under-stated their revenue by GH¢21,033,516. The 2016 report stated that two cashiers at the Commercial Court in Accra inadvertently under-stated total collections in the revenue and deposit cash books by GH¢20,893,095.76 and GH¢140,420.24, respectively, resulting in a total understatement of GH¢21,033,516.

According to the Auditor-General, the situation occurred due to the failure of the accounts units to carry out regular reconciliation exercise.

It is recalled that in 2016, a cashier at the Ho District Magistrate Court, Ms Theresa Tetteh of the HFC Bank, allegedly misappropriated GH¢12,142.60 from the money collected as court fines and fees.

Again, in 2015, Ms Agatha Abassa-Addo, a cashier at the Nkroful Magistrate Court in the Western Region, allegedly caused the payment of GH¢33,590.70 from the Deposit Account as refund to claimants but failed to produce evidence of application letters, acknowledgement receipt, witnesses and contact addresses.

Between January 2010 and November 2011, Mr Marcellinus Tordidzah, a cashier at the magistrate court, had embezzled GH¢2,957.20 in revenue to the courts.

Stealing at BA courts

The Auditor-General had, in 2016, recommended that the accountant of the Fiapre Circuit Court ‘B’ should be held liable for his inability to produce bank statements from the Ghana Commercial Bank to authenticate total revenue of GH¢193,393.20 purportedly deposited with the bank.

In 2016, the Sunyani High Court collected total revenue of GH¢135,829.00 from judgement deposits between March and July 2015.

However, reconciliation of the cashbook and the bank statement revealed that GH¢125,369.70 was rather lodged, leaving GH¢10,495.30 unaccounted for.

According to the Auditor-General in its 2016 report, the registrar’s failure to supervise the work of the cashier and undertake regular reconciliation had resulted in the anomaly.

It consequently recommended that the total amount of GH¢10,495.30 be refunded by the registrar and the cashier.


Court Officials Loot Account; they pocket court fines

Thousands of Ghana Cedis in court fines and fees have been lost due to alleged corruption and embezzlement by some court staff of the Adjabeng District Court Registry in Accra.

A Daily Graphic investigation has established that the fines and fees charged by the court have been embezzled by some cashiers of the registrar’s office.

Mrs Patience Nai, a High Court registrar and Mr David Laryea, are alleged to have diverted and pocketed money in court fines and fees which should have been paid into the Consolidated Fund.

A source close to the Adjabeng District Court Registrar’s Office hinted theDaily Graphic that the diversion of court fees and fines was an age-old practice at the Adjabeng Registry.
A three-month investigation by the Daily Graphic has established that a fine of GH¢2,400, in the case of The Republic v. Eric Duah, paid by the convict on May 17, 2017, was diverted and embezzled by the two cashiers.

The cashiers have confessed to the Daily Graphic that they indeed did not pay the money into the Consolidated Fund when they were confronted with evidence. Again, in the case of The Republic v Peter Mahamadu Seidu, the defendant was fined GH¢3,000, which was also not paid into the Consolidated Fund, but rather lined the private pockets of the two cashiers.

Though the two cashiers initially denied any involvement in the embezzlements at the courts, they were later made to refund those money to the state.

Stealing and embezzlement of court fines and fees had become rampant and widespread across the country, according to a worker of the Judicial Service, who pleaded anonymity.
He said the acts of the two cashiers at the Adjabeng courts were just a microcosm of the widespread stealing of fines and fees in other courts.

Series of cash embezzlement

According to the 2015 Auditor-General’s report, the Judicial Service consistently failed to revenue totaling GH¢5,815,845 million and £75,000. The report states that the Auditor-General cannot, therefore, confirm whether the revenue and deposits have been credited to the accounts of the courts.

Again, according to the 2016 Auditor-General’s Report, the commercial courts understated their revenue by GH¢21,033,516 million.

The report states that two cashiers at a Commercial Court in Accra inadvertently understated total collections in the revenue and deposit cash books by GH¢20,893 million and GH¢140,420.24 resulting in a total understatement of GH¢21,033,516 million.

According to the Auditor- General, the situation occurred due to the failure of the accounts units to carry out regular reconciliation exercise.

In 2016, a cashier at the Ho District Magistrate Court, Ms Theresa Tetteh of HFC Bank, misappropriated GH¢12,142.60 from the money collected as court fines and fees.

Again, in 2015, Ms Agatha Abassa-Addo, a cashier at the Nkroful Magistrate Court in the Western Region, caused the payment of GH¢33,590.70 from the Deposit Account as refund to claimants but failed to produce evidence of application letters, acknowledgement receipt, witnesses and contact addresses.

Missing court cash

Between January 2010 and November 2011, Mr Marcellinus Tordidzah, a cashier at the Magistrate Court had embezzled GH¢2,957.20 in revenues to the courts.

The Auditor-General had in 2016 recommended that the Accountant of Fiapre Circuit Court ‘B’ should be held liable for his inability to produce bank statements from Ghana Commercial Bank to authenticate total revenue of GH¢193,393.20 purportedly deposited with the bank.

In 2016, the Sunyani High Court collected a total revenue of GH¢135,829.00 from judgement deposits between March and July 2015. However, reconciliation of the cashbook and the bank statement revealed that GH¢125,369.70 was rather lodged, leaving GH¢10,495.30 unaccounted for.

According to the Auditor-General’s 2016 Report, the Registrar’s failure to supervise the work of the cashier and undertake regular reconciliation resulted in the anomaly.
It consequently recommended that the total amount of GH¢10,495.30 be refunded by the registrar and the cashier.

The Auditor-General, therefore, accused the management of the country’s courts of failure to prepare bank reconciliation statement, resulting in the nondetection of the acts of embezzlement.

Letter to Chief Justice

A letter from a judge of the Adjabeng District Court, Mr Isaac Addo, to the Chief Justice, Ms Justice Sophia Akuffo, which was seen by the Daily Graphic, expressed concern about several gaps in revenue collection at the courts, leading to embezzlement of funds at the courts.

Though, the Judge had declined to talk to the Daily Graphic when contacted, his letter to the Chief Justice has nailed the two staff at the Adjabeng court registry, Mrs Patience Nai and Mr David Laryea.

“I strongly believe that these acts have been going on at the court for a very long time and may also happen in the other courts,” the letter states.

Judge Isaac Addo, therefore, recommended that a team be established as soon as possible to carry out auditing of all the dockets in all the courts throughout the country to bring the perpetrators to book.